Powys Transition and Low Carbon Communities network is an organisation formed to connect and support groups throughout Powys which are involved in promoting community resilience and in exploring ways in which we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. “Transition” is also about creating vibrant communities, helping us all become involved, promoting locally grown food, community energy projects, all kinds of creativity, and reducing waste. You can find out more about the Transition Movement here.. http://www.transitionnetwork.org/what
PTLCC has recently been awarded Big Lottery funding as part of the Connecting Voices project, which will enable us to provide Transition training courses and to organise conferences. We held our first training event in January this year, and our first conference in April.
We are currently planning our next exciting conference on Saturday, November 8th (watch this space for more details!) so put that in your diary now!.
Some pictures from January-
- Discussions
- Ideas
- Action plan completed!
And from April