Beautiful Economies….. Glan Economig
21st and 22nd April @ MRC Llandrindod Wells
-How to liberate and harness our true wealth
-Sut i ryddhau a harneisio cyfoeth gwirioneddol
Learn key concepts in new economic thinking, be inspired by a multitude of groundbreaking projects and gain tools to create lasting change.
Dysgu cysyniadau allweddol mewn dulliau economeg newydd, cael eich ysbrydoli gan lu o brosiectau arloesol, a magu sgiliau i greu newid parhaol.
A New Economy is on its way. Around the world people are working together, sharing resources, ques-tioning the prevailing paradigm and creating more sustainable systems. This intensive two day workshop is an opportunity to learn about these alternatives and discover what role you can play.
With the Human Scale Development framework developed by ‘barefoot’ economist Manfred Max-Neef as our starting point, we will ask where our true wealth lies and explore how we can draw on our existing strengths to create thriving local communities.
Mae Economi Newydd ar y gweill. Ym mhedwar ban byd mae pobl yn cydweithio, yn rhannu adnoddau, yn cwestiynu’r patrwm sydd ohoni, ac yn creu systemau mwy cynaliadwy. Mae’r gweithdy deuddydd dwys hwn yn gyfle i ddysgu am opsiynau amgen a darganfod rôl botensial ichi’ch hunan.
Gan gychwyn o fframwaith a ddatblygwyd gan yr economydd ‘troednoeth’ Manfred Max-Neef, sef y Fframwaith Datblygiad Graddfa Ddynol, byddwn yn gofyn ble yn union mae’n cyfoeth gwirioneddol ac yn ystyried sut y gallwn ddefnyddio ein cryfderau presennol i greu cymunedau lleol llewyrchus.
Trwy gyflwyniadau, ymarferion rhyngweithiol a thrafodaethau grŵp, byddwn yn ystyried:
Through presentations, interactive exercises and group discussions we will explore:
- Frameworks that integrate ecology, economics and wellbeing
- How our current economic story gets in the way of effective action
- The social and financial benefits of economic re-localisation
- The impact of different money systems and how to ‘change the exchange’
- The importance of the ‘invisible economy’
- What you can do in your community right now!
- Fframweithiau sy’n integreiddio ecoleg, economeg a llesiant
- Sut mae’r stori economaidd bresennol yn rhwystro gweithredu effeithiol
- Manteision cymdeithasol ac ariannol adleoli economaidd
- Effaith systemau arian gwahanol a sut i ‘newid y cyfnewid’
- Pwysigrwydd yr ‘economi anweladwy’
- Yr hyn fedrwch ei wneud yn eich cymuned chi nawr!
“This workshop completely changed my perception of economics.”
Pam, Wales
“Newidiwyd fy syniad am economeg yn llwyr trwy’r gweithdy hwn.”
Pam, Cymru
Sylfaenydd ‘Growing Good Lives’ yw Inez Aponte. Mae’n dylunio ac yn cyflwyno hyfforddiant a digwyddiadau i ysbrydoli gweithredu cymunedol creadigol.
Inez Aponte is founder of Growing Good Lives. She designs and delivers training, coaching and events to inspire creative com-munity action.
Storytelling for Change Makers
March 17th & 18th
with Inez Aponte
Are you exploring new ideas that can help move us towards a more just and compassionate world? Do you want to learn how to communicate these ideas in a way that is powerful and authentic?
Ydych chi’n ystyried syniadau newydd fyddai’n gallu helpu symud tuag at fyd mwy cyfiawn a thosturiol?
Hoffech chi ddysgu sut i gyfleu’r syniadau hyn mewn ffordd rymus a dilys?
In this weekend workshop we will examine how stories shape our worldview and learn how to harness their power to create positive social change.
Through games and exercises in a fun and supportive atmosphere you will learn:
• How to develop presence and authenticity
• How to shape your material so it holds the attention
• How to connect with your chosen audience
• How to tease out the key messages that can lead to action and transformation
“Now I finally understand what storytelling is really about.”
Joanna Flanagan, workshop participant
(This event is generously funded by the Big Lottery, via PAVO as part of the One Powys Connected Voices project. Come and learn how to get your voice heard)
Apple Grafting Workshop Saturday 17th March 10.00 – 2.00pm
Only 10 places. Booking before 14th March is essential 01597 829 689. Leave a name and/or email contact
Apple Pruning Workshop Saturday 24th March 10.00 – 2.00pm
Only 10 places. Booking before 21st March is essential 01597 829 689. Leave a name and/or email contact
The day will be led by Charlie Searl of Green Valleys CIC. These workshops hosted by Ashfield are free of charge funded by PTLCC via Big Lottery and with help from Greggs Foundation. . Booking is essential. A lunch of hot soup will be provided. Donations very welcome!!