2015 PTLCC Conference Cynhadledd 2015 PTLCC

Powys REconomics   REconomi Powys

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REthink! RElocalise!   DEcarbonise!

AILfeddwl! AIL-leoli!   DADgarboneiddio!

Dydd Sadwrn 17eg Hydref 2015

Yng Ngwesty’r Metropole, Llandrindod

Saturday 17th October 2015

at The Metropole Hotel Llandrindod Wells

10:45am – 3:30pm (doors open at 10:00am)

(drysau’n agor am 10:00am)

Cyhoeddwyd ar 8 Awst, 2015




Conference fee includes lunch & refreshments: £10 waged, £5 unwaged  (plus booking fee **), see also Bursaries below*

Ffi’r gynhadledd yn cynnwys cinio a lluniaeth: £10 i bobl gyflogedig, £5 i bobl heb gyflog  (a ffi archebu lle  **), gweler hefyd manylion Bwrsariaethau isod*

Advance booking essential   Mae’n hanfodol archebu lle ymlaen llaw

Book here

The conference hosts:  Trefnwyr y Gynhadledd:


The Powys Transition & Low Carbon Communities network (PTLCC) and the REconomy Project are both part of the Transition Network, a global grassroots movement of communities seeking to strengthen their resilience to problems including climate change, rising energy prices, economic uncertainty and inequality.

Mae Rhwydwaith Trawsnewid Powys a Chymunedau Carbon Isel (PTLCC) a Phrosiect REconomi yn aelodau’r Rhwydwaith Trawsnewid, sefydliad cymunedol byd eang ar lawr gwlad sy’n awyddus i gryfhau cydnerthedd mewn perthynas â phroblemau megis newid yn yr hinsawdd, prisiau ynni cynyddol, ansicrwydd ac anghyfartaledd economaidd.

What the conference is about:      Cefndir y gynhadledd:

More and more people are recognising that we need to move away from the ‘business as usual’ economic model based on perpetual growth in consumption and towards something that helps build resilience rather than destroy it.

Mae mwy a mwy o bobl yn sylweddoli bod angen inni newid o’r model economaidd ‘busnes fel arfer’ a seilir ar dyfiant parhaus o ran defnydd, a symud tuag at rywbeth sy’n helpu meithrin cydnerthedd yn hytrach na’i ddinistrio.

This conference will focus on the exciting possibility of local communities transforming the economic destiny of rural mid Wales and offering opportunity and hope despite the challenges.

Bydd y gynhadledd yn canolbwyntio ar bosibilrwydd cyffrous cael cymunedau lleol i drawsnewid dwysedd economaidd canolbarth Cymru gwledig a chynnig cyfleoedd a gobaith er gwaetha’r sialensiau.

We will consider the ways in which rural communities can create new sustainable livelihoods and enterprises and exert real influence on their local economic systems, as we look at systems of trade and exchange that are more sustainable, equitable and anchored in wellbeing, rather than economic growth at any cost.

Byddwn yn ystyried ffyrdd y gall cymunedau gwledig greu bywoliaethau a mentrau newydd cynaliadwy a chael dylanwad gwirioneddol ar systemau economaidd lleol, wrth inni ystyried systemau masnachu a chyfnewid sy’n fwy cynaliadwy a chydradd ac yn seiliedig ar lesiant, yn hytrach na thwf economaidd ar unrhyw bris.

How do we make the local economy more vibrant?

Sut i greu economi lleol mwy llewyrchus?

What are the ways we can ensure sustainable livelihoods?

Ym mha ffyrdd gallwn sicrhau bywoliaethau cynaliadwy?

Where are the examples of doing business and community differently?

Ble mae’r enghreifftiau o redeg busnesau a chymunedau mewn ffordd wahanol?

How can we continue to learn and support each other locally and regionally around jobs, services, education and training?

Sut gallwn barhau i ddysgu a chefnogi ein gilydd ar lefel leol a rhanbarthol o ran swyddi, gwasanaethau, addysg a hyfforddiant?

Who should attend:   Pwy ddylai ddod:

The conference is aimed at everyone interested in learning more about sustainable rural economies whether from personal, community, business, local government, or academic point of view.

Targedir y gynhadledd at bawb sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu mwy ynghylch economi gwledig cynaliadwy, boed o safbwynt personol, cymunedol, busnes, llywodraeth leol neu academaidd.

Attendees can expect to take home inspiration for their own next steps as well as ways to bring about strategic change in rural economies and support the development of sustainable communities and livelihoods.

Y gobaith yw ysbrydoli’r rhai sy’n bresennol i gymryd y camau nesaf er mwyn sicrhau newid strategol yn yr economi gwledig a chefnogi datblygu cymunedau a bywoliaethau cynaliadwy.

Programme:  Y Rhaglen:

There will be plenary speakers in the morning and a choice of workshops/case study sessions in the afternoon. Full details of the programme to be published in due course.

Yn ystod y bore bydd rhaglen o siaradwyr, gyda dewis o weithdai/sesiynau astudiaethau achos yn y prynhawn. Caiff manylion llawn y rhaglen eu cyhoeddi maes o law.

Topics include: Pynciau i gynnwys:


  • New ways of looking at money: Positive Money and Green Economics

  • Ffyrdd newydd o ystyried arian: Arian Positif a’r Economi Gwyrdd
  • REconomy and local economic change, 20 Key Enterprises & the Transition Enterprise Handbook

  • REconomi a newid economaidd lleol, 20 o Fentrau Allweddol a Llawlyfr Trawsnewid Mentrau
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars and a circular economy model of private transport provision

  • Ceir sy’n rhedeg ar Gelloedd Hydrogen a model economi cylchol o ddarparu trafnidiaeth breifat
  • The potential role of the railway in rural economies

  • Rôl botensial y rheilffordd mewn economi gwledig
  • Social Enterprises and Cooperatives

  • Mentrau Cymdeithasol a Chydweithfeydd
  • One Planet Housing and Community Land Trusts

  • Tai Un Blaned ac Ymddiriedolaethau Tir Cymunedol
  • Community Renewable Energy Cooperatives

  • Cydweithfeydd Ynni Adnewyddadwy Cymunedol

Speakers/Presenters include: Ymhlith y Siaradwyr/Cyflwynyddion mae

  • Mike Membery, Powys Transition & Low Carbon Communities network; Rhwydwaith Trawsnewid Powys a Chymunedau Carbon Isel

  • Anna Lodge & Fiona Ward, REconomy Project, Transition Network ;Rhwydwaith Trawsnewid Powys a Chymunedau Carbon Isel

  • David Edwards, Heart of Wales Line Forum; Fforwm Rheilffordd Calon Cymru

  • Andrew Fryer, Llangattock Green Valleys

  • Martin Goulder, Calon Cymru

  • Hugo Spowers, River Simple

  • Nicholas Wilson, Wales Cooperatives Centre ; Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru

  • Mick Brown, Robert Owen Community Bank; , Banc Cymunedol Robert Owen

  • Tao Wimbush, Lammas ecovillage project; Prosiect pentref eco Lammas

*Bursary places available *Bwrsariaethau ar gael

A small number of free places are available for Powys residents in need. Please contact Sally (admin@powystransition.org.uk) to apply.

Mae nifer fach o leoedd ar gael am ddim i drigolion Powys mewn angen. Cysylltwch â Sally (admin@powystransition.org.uk) i wneud cais.

**(Booking fee £1.25 waged, £0.96 unwaged.  Eventbrite applies a percentage based booking fee to all money transactions. However it provides a free service to all free events, and this includes a wide range of socially useful events.  So, part of your booking fee is supporting this service)

**(Ffi archebu: £1.25 i bobl gyflogedig, £0.96 i bobl heb gyflog.  Mae Eventbrite yn

codi ffi archebu lle (%) ar unrhyw drafodion ariannol. Fodd bynnag, mae’n rhoi gwasanaeth am ddim i unrhyw ddigwyddiad am ddim, sy’n cynnwys amrediad eang o ddigwyddiadau defnyddiol o safbwynt cymdeithasol. Felly mae rhan o’r ffi archebu yn cefnogi’r gwasanaeth hwn).

The event is generously supported by: Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn derbyn cefnogaeth hael gan:

PAVO –  One Powys Connecting Voices – Powys yn Un – Cysylltu Lleisiau

Friends Provident Foundation via REconomy Project – trwy Brosiect REconomi

Renew Wales -Adfywio Cymru



The Hotel Metropole – Gwesty’r Metropole



















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