The charts (linked to below), were produced in “open space” workshops at our Spring Conference in March.
These produced lively discussions about climate change and people’s attitude to it, a wide ranging exploration of food systems, the support available from Transition Network, the challenge of encouraging and supporting volunteers, and the potential of linking wind power and electric biking.

“Open Space” Discussion“Open Space” Discussion
Click on the links to view the charts.
How Can Transition Network Help
So you had 37 people attend your event(just counted those in your photo). How does this justify the funding. I run the community garden in Cilmery which will be self funding this next year. I am also planning sprucing up the village with wild flowers and entrance planter. You are not self funding as you are subsidised by PAVO etc. I have had subsidies to start up but I plan to be putting funds back into the community by this time next year and I am giving the produce away, not selling it.
I am open to discussion.
Hi Stephen. We had 130 at the last event, and we are providing funded training for transition town members who have requested it through their groups. We are also working with PAVO to collect members concerns and raise them with appropriate organisations. I think you have edited your post? I seem to remember reading about your organisational and gardening skills? It sounds like you are very active and skilled – would you like to contact one of our groups and come and give us a talk on your work?
Hi Stephen, I’ve just been looking at pictures of your garden – it looks really lovely. I can give you more of an idea on where our funding goes, as I’ve been here longer now. We are funded to support the voluntary Transition and other groups. Any group working towards a resilient community orientated low carbon future is very welcome to join us, and we’re here to help them work together and communicate and to provide support. This Winter we’ll have put on 5 weekends of training, 3 organised by the lovely Di Greaves and two organised by the groups themselves. We’re able to provide nice venues and amazing speakers. In 2014, people at our conference told us they were unhappy about the difficulty of finding affordable low carbon housing and land for growing. So this year’s conference was in Llandrindod and we had Tao Wimbush from Lammas Eco-village talking about One Planet Development. (We’ll put the video of Tao that Nick produced up soon) We also had Calon Cymru also talking about OPD and their version- Fforest Calon Cymru, and they are asking us to see if there are any groups along the line in Llanwrtd, Llandod and Knighton who would like to work with them to form Community Land Trusts for eco housing. Exciting times. I’ll put their document up on our page.